Your Journey to HOPE

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HOPE is committed to encouraging student exploration through many creative learning opportunities. Drawing from the best of both text and inquiry-based methods, our instructional team is implementing an academic foundation that will range from increasing general knowledge and basic skills to excelling at a high level.

Through a comprehensive curriculum, HOPE offers a well-rounded education that encompasses traditional subjects including reading, writing, mathematics, science, social sciences and foreign languages. 


HOPE recognizes that all students learn differently. While some students thrive in the traditional classroom setting, others are more successful through alternate methods of curriculum delivery.

HOPE offers Internet-based learning technology supported by classroom based instruction from certified teachers and mentors. This well-rounded education is designed to cater to the individual student's needs. 

This learning model allows students to:

Use computers and the Internet to achieve their educational goals

Learn at community-based Learning Sites or at home

Utilize experienced mentors and teachers for one-on-one academic and social support

Complete the curriculum at an individualized pace

Study what they need to learn, not what they already know

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Student Eligibility

Students must be at least 10 years old and not yet 21 years old on October 1st of the applicable school year (August – May) i.e. For the school year, students must be at least 10 years old and not yet 21 years old on October 1.

Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed child care providers to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless an exemption is filed. For more information about vaccine requirements, resources and exemptions, visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s School Immunization page.

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Day in the Life

On any given school day, HOPE students at Learning Sites move from online lessons on computers to complementary offline assignments at desks to fresh air during gym class and recess as they strive to learn, achieve and graduate.

Each HOPE student is directed toward an optimal learning pace, with his or her particular strengths and weaknesses, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, taken into account. If a student struggles with needing more physical space or more time to process effectively, for example, those factors are carefully considered by their HOPE teacher and a qualified mentor in planning an ideal learning schedule.

While using education technology to build a road to success, students can focus on the development of career skills. Along the way, they become lifelong problem solvers as they learn to research and communicate about their future.

Careers at HOPE


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Activities | events | athletics

At HOPE, we understand that school isn’t just about academic learning; It’s about fun! The extracurricular experiences to which we are exposed in adolescence shape our interests and passions throughout life, and allow us to become well-rounded and thoughtful adults. We’ve found that students who participate in our Activities, Events, and Athletics Program tend to perform better academically. We are proud, and fortunate, to be able to underwrite the cost of much of the program, making it accessible to our entire student body. 


HOPE Photos!


We offer sports throughout the school year, with a fall, winter, and spring season. HOPE offers volleyball & soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and co-ed soccer in the spring.


HOPE has school-wide art shows in the fall and spring, a spring writing contest, and field trips to the cultural centers of Denver, like shows presented by the DCPA Theater Company and the Colorado Symphony. 


Of course, no activities calendar would be complete without Back-to-School Night, Field Day, Homecoming (called, of course, HOPEcoming), high school and middle school “Fun Days,” and the social event of the season, Prom.


  • What benefits does HOPE provide students?

    HOPE students benefit from the following:

    Comprehensive curriculum - From engaging lessons to necessary assessments, HOPE provides a complete instructional program for students.

    Flexible learning environment - Recognizing that every child learns differently and at varying paces, HOPE devises lesson plans to ensure students study what they need to learn, not what they already know.

    Goal-oriented learning - Students and mentors work together to set goals. Progress toward those goals is measured on a daily basis.

    Community-oriented setting - Learning Sites offer students a supportive learning environment.

  • Is HOPE free?

    As a public charter school, HOPE is free to students.

  • What is a charter school?

    A charter school is a free public school of choice that is open to all students and held to the same Colorado and federal Common Core standards as other public schools.

  • What is a Learning Site?

    A Learning Site is a safe and supervised learning environment that students attend daily to access their online curriculum and receive face-to-face instruction from teachers and mentors.  Learning Sites are operated by non-profit, community-based organizations.

  • Do I need to own a computer for my child to be a HOPE student?

    HOPE will work with each student to ensure access to a computer and online curriculum.  All supplies provided by HOPE are property of HOPE and must be returned in the event a student leaves the program.

  • How much time do students spend on the computer?

    Computers are used to facilitate lessons. They are an interactive learning tool, and the amount of time a student spends online varies by grade level. Online lessons are enhanced with one-on-one attention from mentors at Learning Sites or with assistance from parents at home. Teachers and mentors also use a comprehensive offline curriculum with all HOPE students throughout the year, allowing for further instruction in key subject areas and/or where students may be struggling. 

  • Can my child attend HOPE and another public school?

    Students can either be enrolled at HOPE or at another public school, not both.

  • Does HOPE provide extra-curricular activities?

    HOPE as well as some HOPE Learning Sites offer a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.  Also, in most cases, HOPE students can participate on an equal basis in any activities offered by other public schools that are not offered through HOPE

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  • How do Learning Sites receive funding?

    Learning Sites receive funding from HOPE based on the number of students attending the Learning Site.  Learning Sites receive funding on a monthly basis.

  • Does HOPE provide Learning Sites with textbooks and other materials?

    Yes, HOPE equips Learning Sites with books and work activities which are part of the curriculum.

  • Can Learning Sites provide supplemental material and activities for HOPE curriculum?

    Learning Sites may supplement HOPE's required core curriculum with activities and materials approved by HOPE. Learning Sites may offer elective classes approved by HOPE.

  • Who grades student coursework?

    Teachers and mentors work in tandem to monitor student progress. HOPE teachers are responsible for assigning appropriate lessons to students. Many of the online lessons and assessments are graded by the curriculum software.

  • What computer skills are required for Learning Site staff?

    Though HOPE's curriculum and assessments are based online, the program is simple to use. Basic computer skills and familiarity with the Internet are necessary for Learning Site staff.  HOPE provides curriculum training for all Learning Site staff.

  • Can public and private schools partner with HOPE?

    Yes, public and private schools as well as non-profit organizations may contract with HOPE to operate a Learning Site.

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